Organizing Tips for Every Room

Organizing Tips for Every Room

As featured in ApartmentGuide are top tips for organizing every room of your home. Read to the end to find Tidy Upgrade’s tip!

Your Guide to Designing Your Best Summer Ever

Your Guide to Designing Your Best Summer Ever

What would it take for you to have your best summer ever? Follow this process to help you plan.

Common Organizing Mistakes to Avoid

Common Organizing Mistakes to Avoid

Check out the recent Redfin article we were featured in: Organizing Mistakes: 27 Slip-Ups to Avoid During Your Next Project | Redfin Organizing is difficult and can be a stressful, time-consuming project. It’s also an essential skill that can increase your physical and emotional health. 

Take Action to Tidy

Take Action to Tidy

I once saw a client who had read The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up years ago.  She loved the book, and believed in the Method.  She joined KonMari®-themed groups on Facebook and told her friends about the book.  Then, she tidied her home… in her head.  Thoughts without action got her nowhere. Years went by.  And she never got started.

Sharing Her “Love” of a Tidy Home…

Sharing Her “Love” of a Tidy Home…

This morning when I opened my e-mail, I was greeted by this heartwarming testimonial. “Lisa… We are so grateful for your help over here especially now that we are spending so much time here! [due to the coronavirus] …” Read to find out how she signed her letter.

Top 5 Tips for Tidying Up Your Space

Top 5 Tips for Tidying Up Your Space

Did you know that National Closet Clean Out Week begins the third Sunday of March?  It is always a great time to clean out your closet, so don’t wait to give yourself the joy of a tidy closet and a tidy home.  Let’s jump into 

Tidying the Hard Stuff

Tidying the Hard Stuff

Sometimes it’s hard to finish tidying up because it means confronting painful memories. Letting go of the stuff may offer relief, healing, and even joy. Is it time to let go?  

Great Room Closet, Before And After

Great Room Closet, Before And After

Closet Before: A jumbled space (look at the far right and notice the storage unit that we moved into the closet) Here is a “before” look at the storage unit. A unique aspect of the KonMari Method involves moving furniture used for storage into your