Common Organizing Mistakes to Avoid

Common Organizing Mistakes to Avoid

Check out the recent Redfin article we were featured in: Organizing Mistakes: 27 Slip-Ups to Avoid During Your Next Project | Redfin Organizing is difficult and can be a stressful, time-consuming project. It’s also an essential skill that can increase your physical and emotional health. 

Top Tips for Renovating Your Kitchen

Top Tips for Renovating Your Kitchen

We were named a top decluttering and renovation expert by Redfin. Check out the article we were featured in: 21 DIY Kitchen Renovation Tips for a Makeover On a Budget

Take Action to Tidy

Take Action to Tidy

I once saw a client who had read The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up years ago.  She loved the book, and believed in the Method.  She joined KonMari®-themed groups on Facebook and told her friends about the book.  Then, she tidied her home… in her head.  Thoughts without action got her nowhere. Years went by.  And she never got started.

The Best Advice for Donating Items that Don’t Spark Joy

The Best Advice for Donating Items that Don’t Spark Joy

An older friend recently came to me for decluttering advice, about how to get rid of unwanted items in her home.  The advice I shared with her is the same I will share with you:

The Day Joy Left My Life: From Grief to Gratitude in Three Days

The Day Joy Left My Life: From Grief to Gratitude in Three Days

In 2017, just after I made my first blog post, joy left my life–only briefly, but it’s a story that I have been keeping inside for almost two years. Completing the KonMari Method™ in my home helped me grow in many virtues, including gratitude and courage. It is with that bravery that I begin to tell the story.